All of our software is designed for the PC and will also work on a MAC computer if the MAC is updated to run windows software.
Astrology Software from AIR Software
*** All our software programs are made to run on windows PC computers. The programs will run on a Mac if the Mac is capable of running Windows software.
Astro Report Writer
This is a full, complete Natal Report delineation of all the Planets in signs from Sun to Pluto, Houses, Aspects, the Nodes, and Ascendant.
This report shows all of your daily dates as well as a full delineation for that transit. Select to see or print Transits for 1 year, 3 years, 5 years or 10 years ahead! This feature is filled with incredible information so you will know the exact dates of heavenly activity that are coming. Now you can get the edge to plan ahead with this feature.
Mark your calendar accordingly or just keep this information by your side on a daily basis to check and see your ‘good and bad’ days ahead of time.
Another added feature to this program is the Progressed Report. Similar to the Transit Report it gives you dates and delineations for each aspect and house position of the planets. With this report you will be able to discover where your progressed planets are for 3, 5, or 10 years! This information is very important for the astrologer or client to further discover many more times that can bring you ease, prosperity, success or potholes down the road.
The Astro Profile in an amazing feature. It is a linear graph displaying red and green bars for each of the twelve houses showing you days that are beneficial and easy as well as those that can be problematic. It’s absolutely amazing and will alert you to ‘good and bad’ days, at a glance!
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StarTrax Millennium 7.2
If you want an astrological program that gives you accurate and quick answers when you dealing with clients you need our StarTrax program. With Star Trax you can work with all the regular planets, Uranian planets, Fixed Stars, Arabic Parts and about 2000 asteroids. The program contains an extensive astronomy section where you can calculate a planet’s distance from earth, speed, eclipses that show you the path on the map, occultations and much more. Features like the time tunnel, drop and drag, double-click feature, dynamic astrology are excellent features to give your clients quick and accurate answers. Useful techniques like our Rectification module, astronomy module, fast election, and stellium module plus so many other features are a ‘must have’ if you want astrological answers for yourself and/or your clients. Give your clients accurate answers with just a click of the mouse. And Star Trax offers you an ingenious Rectification module, which by itself is worth the price of the full program!
And we can’t leave out how Star Trax will print out a monthly event calendar and monthly ephemeris for your client, as it calculates and works with over 60 predicting techniques!
Star Trax also has an incredible Multi Black Box feature to see at a glance what changes are coming in a person’s life. Professional astrologers rave about our Star Trax Millennium. They are astounded by its power, speed and ease of use. Watch some of the videos and see for yourself why professional astrologers choose Star Trax from Alphee’s Air Software arsenal of software programs for the astrologer!
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Father Time Electional
Get the edge with the perfect timing tool!
Doing electional work with a regular astrology program is a lot of work and very time consuming to say the least. Actually it could take you hours. And after hours of pouring over charts that could work you are lucky to come out with a chart that can satisfy your quest for them most workable chart. With our Father Time software program the search process can actually take you minutes instead of hours to find a suitable chart. Not only is the software fast but it is also very accurate to find the best time in the sky to initiate an event.
Father Time contains three artificial intelligence modules to arrive at the best Electional chart for any event. Give me five minutes with Father Time and I’ll give an astrologer 4 hours using a regular astrology program to come up with a good electional chart. I know I will come out with a better electional with Father Time!
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Nostradamus Horary
We just updated the horary program and added a one hour video to teach you horary techniques for knowing how to choose the correct houses to use along with all the rules that are applied in horary. This video will make you feel like you are in Aphee’s horary class in a front seat. Additionally, there are 19 new added pages of help into to assist you in becoming a better horary astrologer. The artificial intelligence in the Nostradamus program is excellent to give you the right answer if you are using the correct houses.
Just type in the horary question as if you were asking it to Alphee and Nostradamus will apply all the necessary rules, give delineations and a resultant answer. It is like having Alphee right by your side, answering your important questions!
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Right Decision
The Right Decision astrology software is able to work with horary and electional techniques. In the latest update of the Right Decision we added an hour video on teaching how to select the right houses and all the rules that you use to come out with an answer or finding the exact time when the sky is lined up just right. This is a terrific program to use with clients throughout the day when they may call and ask you a pressing question. My clients often ask me to tell them the best day to take action on n activity, such as making an important phone call or going for an interview. With The Right Decision all you do is open the client’s chart, type in ‘I want to make a phone call’ and click the Calculate button. The program’s incredible artificial intelligence examines the clients chart for each day to find the best day to make the call. But the program goes far beyond just that…. it even finds the best time of that day to make the phone call! And it does it in minutes! Try doing that with a regular astrology program where you have to search for hours for a good chart.
I use this program many times a day. My clients often ask me to tell them the best day to take action on a specific activity, such as making an important phone call or going for an interview. With The Right Decision all you do is open the client’s chart, type in ‘I want to make a phone call’ and click the Calculate button. The program’s incredible artificial intelligence examines the clients chart for each day to find the best day to make the call. But the program goes even beyond just that! It even finds the best time of that day to make the phone call in just minutes! Try doing that with a regular astrology program! The Right Decision takes so much of the hard work out of giving you the perfect chart for your task.
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Any professional astrologer knows how important an accurate time of birth is. The angular houses are the strongest part of the chart and you can only have correct angles if you verify someone’s events in their life to the angles of their chart. Our Rectification program is an invaluable and excellent tool. It’s also easy to use! Just pop in the natal chart with the approximate birth then load the given life events and watch the program go to work. The program offers over 20 astrological techniques to use for rectification. Techniques like transits, solar arc direct and converse, secondary progressions and so forth are employed. There are two to approach the right time of birth. One is using the 90° techniques. And the other one goes through your events calculated with all the chosen astrological techniques to arrive at the right time of birth. Comparing the two astrological techniques with one another makes it really easy to arrive at the right birth time.
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Rectification Zero-In
This program is designed to literally zero in on an exact birth time within seconds of accuracy. It is a fabulous tool for a chart that has a birth time within an hour or so. Fast, Fabulous, Easy to use! Just pop in the natal chart with the approximate birth then load your life events and watch the program go to work.
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Fast Research
There’s no need to be a Ph.D. to do accurate scientific research! Our new Fast Research does all the statistical mathematics in the background for you. It is one of the most powerful astro-research programs available today. You can input hundreds of astrological /astronomical criteria and the program will calculate the probabilities and chi-square. Then the module will assign weights for the strength of each criterion and rom that create a model to compare it with other chart files. There is no program on the planet that does this….and this is only a fraction of what Fast Research can do. Keep in mind that you can utilize all of the regular planets, Uranian planets, fixed stars and about 2000 asteroids. You can work with all the regular planets, Uranian planets, fixes Star and about 2000 asteroids. You can make your own planetary picture to test. The discovers of what you can make with Fast Research is amazing and limited only
by your imagination.
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Locality Maps
Do you believe that if you move under your Jupiter line, you will be extremely fortunate with money and material things? Or maybe by moving under your Venus line you will find love?
I feel that using only one planet at a time in the Astro map is like Sun sign astrology. For instance, if you were born with Jupiter in a grand Square, would you want to move to place on earth where Jupiter is on an angle? That would mean that all the planets in that cross would be on angles. We know astrologically that planets sitting on the angles are the strongest. By moving Jupiter on an angle using Astro mapping techniques you would have to live with that grand Square working against you every moment of each day in that locality. THAT’S NOT GOOD! We approach the Astro map concept using the whole chart, not just one line at a time.
In our Locality Map program you’ll find the standard functions found in other mapping programs but then we go beyond that to take things to the limit! We offer you some of the most ingenious and extraordinary features. For example you can click on any city on the world map and get a report description on what to expect in that location! To be more specific look at what we do with Astro Mapping techniques. We created an artificial intelligence where you can map out the best place on earth for you to fulfill many of your dreams for happiness and satisfaction. Our artificial intelligence maps out for you the very best locations to retire, marry, have career success, gain money, advance your spiritual growth and much more. Our A.I. calculates and ‘paints’ the areas which are the strongest for you to grow and achieve your desires. You will only find these exciting features in our Locality Maps software. Air Software is the first to use astrological concepts to its maximum power to help you and your clients have a more fulfilled life! That’s part of the Alphee’s Air software difference with all of our software programs.
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Astro Mapping
Click here to watch the video on Astro Mapping Program
Do believe that if you move under your Jupiter line, you will be extremely fortunate with money and material things? Or maybe by moving under your Venus line you will find love?
I feel that using only one planet at a time in the Astro map is like Sun sign astrology.
For instance, if you were born with Jupiter in a grand cross, would you want to move where Jupiter is on an angle? That would mean that all the planets in that cross would be on angles. We know astrologically that planets sitting on the angles are the strongest. By moving Jupiter on an angle using Astro mapping techniques you would have to live with that grand cross working against you every moment of each day in that locality. THAT’S NOT GOOD! We approach the Astro map concept using the whole chart, not just one line at a time. Check out what we do will be amazed.
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SUPERSEARCH by AIR Software is so complete that there is nothing to compare it with and nothing else even comes close. If there’s an astrological concept that moves in the sky then our software will search for it. That’s why we called it THE SUPERSEARCH.
With this software you are able to search for hundreds of astrological /astronomical criteria or techniques in seconds. Your search can be as simple as finding dates when Jupiter squares Uranus. Or it can be as complex as you want. For example, you may want to know a day and time when all of these are happening: Mercury reaches its maximum speed and squares the Moon or squares Mars in the sign of Cancer and in the Moon is void of course. You can set up a search to find this and that or this or that, or this but not that. You can search for days when Uranus square Pluto for 1000 years in 13 seconds. You can also search in a chart file for all types of complex happenings to find out which chart has all of them and the program will pull out all the charts that meet the criteria. This could be as simple or as complex as you want.
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Gambling by the Stars
This software works with AIR’s famous Artificial Intelligence to find the best days and times to begin gambling. It works with both the natal chart and also the way the sky is lined up. And it shows you how long the window of opportunity is open! Gambling with the Stars is Just Amazing! Whether it’s poker, slots, or casino games this program will give you the edge for winning! We have professional gamblers who gamble all over the world using this software and tell us they are making lots of money! They have nothing but praise for this software. The whole artificial intelligence that we use in the program comes from a research that I’ve done with real gamblers best performance of winning nd losing and the times that it happened.
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Astro Diary
This program allows you to keep a daily diary of all the events that you choose. Within a few weeks you will have enough information for the artificial intelligence to take over and tell you when in the future the same energies (events) are expected to occur. Put away the crystal ball and get your own Astro Diary Program! Many owners monitor their blood pressure or sugar levels to know when to expect changes. Use it to predict your next times for career success, romance, or possible accidents.
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Click here to watch 1st video on AstroClock
Click here to watch 2nd video on AstroClock
Great for horary. It Also does Natal Charts.
Updated 08,26,2015 with many NEW features.
It runs in the background. At any time you can click on it and a chart wheel for the moment appears on screen. You may also send it down to the tray and bring it up again at any time.
Set the program to your locality. It uses the computer’s clock to set up the chart. The AstroClock does all types of nice things like ingresses, change of direction, transits and more. It comes with a video to teach you how to setup and run the program.
Stock Market Trading Software from AIR Software
The Alphee Trading System was designed for the nonprofessional stock traders who want to make money with the stock market. I spend over 40 years researching using astrology techniques in the stock market. The ATS1 has some real good forecasting modules. It is design to forecast when to get into a stock and went to get out of it to make money. You can check a list of stocks to find out which one you should buy and sell for a quick and fast profit. Another great feature of the program is to watch long term forecast for your mutual fund, dividend funds, or any stocks in your IRA or 401(k). We put forecasting modules in here that was only available in our $3500.00 Titanium Program. The ATS1 has over 10 different forecasting techniques. Price $499.00
Video to watch:
The Alphee Trading System2 software is an extension of the ALPHEE’S TRADING SYSTEM 1. It gives you all of the features in the ATS 1 plus more forecasting features to make you a better trader. The ATS 2 has lots of very exciting modules to help you trade more efficiently and successfully. When you have more different techniques pointing to the same day to buy or sell the more accurate your buy and sell will be to make money. The ATS2 has over 18 different forecasting techniques.
The ATS2 cost $998.00 If you already purchased the ATS 1 then the investment in ATS 2 is only $499.00.
Video to watch:
The Alphee Trading System 3 is the top of the line software to help you make money trading the market. It Includes all the techniques in the ATS1 and ATS2. Plus we added very high certificated astrology trading techniques such as Mcwhiters and the Trader Diary that works extremely well forecasting the market. The ATS3 has over 25 different forecasting techniques.
The AST3 cost $2284.00 if you have purchased the AST1 or ATS2 you can deduct the purchased amount from this 2284.00
Videos to watch :
The Market Trader software is used successfully by market traders in 42 different countries. We consider our Market Trader software to be the most powerful and the most widely used software for Astro trading. It has won awards in Technical Analysis Stocks and Commodities for three years in a row for its artificial intelligence. You can back test any astrological /astronomical criteria to any market. The artificial intelligence in the Black Box mathematics, the neural net mathematics and the easy expert statistical mathematics can self educate using past historical data which then uses information to accurately forecast buy and sell signals in the future.
All versions of Market Trader read E Signal, Interactive Broker, AscII, Ameritrade and Yahoo historical data.
This is an ingenious program to help you trade. With it you can keep track of all the trading days that you bought the stock, how much you paid for it, when you sold it and how much money you made or lost. Now here comes the ingenious part. The program will find exactly what was going on in the sky when you bought and sold the stock and create an artificial intelligence model. The more trading results you enter into the program data box, the more the more accurate the program forecasts future trading results. At any time you can use this model and project into the future. This program will show future dates when you can be successful again in both buying and selling. And even show you dates when not to buy and sell stocks. All of this is based on your past results. It’s just an amazingly accurate tool.