History of the Astrological Institute of Research
In the early 1950’s Alphee began studying astrology. His voracious appetite for astrology pushed him to serious study and by 1965 he opened his full time astro consultation practice. He also began to earn his reputation as an excellent horary astrologer.
His next step was to open the first and only full blown astrological center in Connecticut, offering classes, counseling, workshops and a fully stocked bookstore, which he did in 1977. This was the Astrological Institute of Research in Hartford, CT.
Alphee’s client base grew to thousands and the media coverage was constant. In 1979 Carol became part of Alphee’s life and the Astrological Institute. As busy as he was as a professional astrological counselor, he needed to have more in software than the current programs could offer at that time.
So in 1980 Alphee began to write his own software that would do what he needed to meet his clients’ needs. He began working on the artificial intelligence for his Father Time Electional program and Nostradamus Horary program.
The seeds were planted and in 1982 AIR Software was birthed. It is an acronym of the Astrological Institute of Research and what better name for the software company, as Alphee has 5 planets in air! Air Software launched their first software program called Astrological Research Package (ARP for short).
During the 80’s Alphee was still counseling 7 -8 clients a day, teaching astrology classes in the evenings and still developing even more software. He created WinTrax, Rectification program and a report writer.
In 1989 he teamed up with Bill Meridian to write the Financial Trader software for trading the markets.
By now Alphee and his software had gained a strong foothold in the astrological community.
In 1995 while on a lecturing tour of Russia he met a Russian scientist named Sergey Tarasov. Sergey was not new to astrology software. He was writing astrology software for a Russian magazine. Sergey and Alphee immediately formed a partnership and together they began to update all of AIR’s existing software and developed 5 versions of their now world famous series of programs of the Market Trader. Today Market Trader is used by traders in over 42 different countries and Alphee and Sergey are fast business partners working hard to continue to bring the State of the Art software.
Air Software proudly claims to now offer you 21 different programs: Millennium Star Trax, Nostradamus, Father Time, Right Decision, Astro Investigator, Super Search, Gambling by the Star, Astro diary, Traders Diary, Local Maps, Rectification, Rec Zero-In, Airhead, Market Trader in 5 versions, Bradley Barometer in two versions, Report writers, First Trade Charts, Astro Clock, Neural Net, Trader’s Hit List and Fortune Hunters Map. His latest is a trading software named Alphee Trading System.
Air Software offers the State of the Art in Astrology computer software. We are the only company offering an outstanding artificial intelligence in our software.
After 30 years Sergey and Alphee are still developing and offering the best software that is light years ahead of everything else available on the market today. We thank everyone that supported AIR Software for all these years.
Alphee, Sergey and Carol
Alphee Lavoie bio
Sergey Tarasov bio
Carol Lavoie bio