Alphee’s Horary Certification Course will give you the tools to achieve excellence in Horary Astrology and lead to Certification in Horary by Alphee.
Alphee Lavoie is Ncgr certified Level IV in counseling and rectification. His expertise extends to Horary, Electional, Client Counseling and many other branches of astrology. His reputation as an expert astrologer is known across the globe and he is considered THE leading astrologer in Horary. Alphee started studying horary astrology in 1962 way before horary astrology became popular. Since the 70’s he has lectured at every UAC, NCGR, AFA , ISAR, and OPA and many international conference, as well as many national and international astrology groups. For 29 years he wrote a monthly column on horary for Dell Horoscope Magazine. He has also written and published four books on Horary Astrology. His book, Lose this Book…and find it with Horary, is known as the Horary Bible by astrologers!
With Alphee as your Horary Course Instructor you are receiving over 60 years of his incredible expertise in this field. He’s counseled thousands of clients with astrology since 1962,. Alphee is a Master Teacher and recognized as the ‘teachers’ teacher’. When professional astrologers need assistance with their horary charts for their clients they call Alphee for help!
Here’s what you will receive with this incredible Horary Astrology Certification Course:
This exciting Horary Course contains over 80 hours of video teaching by the internationally renowned astrologer, Alphee Lavoie. His established expertise in the Art of Horary is renowned worldwide.
This course is very complete and practical, offering the techniques that Alphee uses and knows are tried and true to yield accurate results. He covers a myriad of questions contained in all of the twelve houses in the chart. Alphee uses only the modern rulers (Sun to Pluto), as he has found them to work with undeniable accuracy. His work has been greatly influenced by that of his beloved teacher, Ivy–Goldstein-Jacobsen. He is very thorough and precise, covering rules and principles of horary and gives step by step delineations for each horary question. Some queries are fairly simple and straight- forward while others are more complex. Alphee’s material is pertinent and helpful for the budding Horary astrologer as well as for the professional. He’ll teach you the right way to clock the questions, the meaning of all the houses and aspects, present basic principles of the methods in the chart, the signs, rulerships, turning the chart, timing, lost articles and so much more, even his special horary secrets! He’s prepared the course so that you can go back to the digital video and re-watch any part of any class for additional study and review.
In this Course Alphee covers a complete definition of the houses, aspects and rulers. He will show you how to find distance, timing and directions. He also covers how you can arrive at the right houses when a question like this is asked: ‘Should my daughter’s friend live with us?’ or ‘I tested three cars to purchase. Which one should I buy?’ Horary astrology is the only technique with which you can answer questions such as these. He also instructs you on how to find missing children as well as missing possessions as described in his book, Lose This Book and Find It with Horary.
Please note that this course is NOT live online. It is completely in video format with Alphee as your teacher. There is no live interaction with Alphee on the course. However, he is available to answer a few questions as you go through the course. The presentation is also self paced. You do not have to rush through any of the course material. Delivery of the Course is through the internet. Upon completion of any level, you will be required to pass an exam. Once you’ve done that you will receive a Diploma recognizing you as a Certified Horary Astrologer for the level that you successfully pass by Alphee Lavoie from the Astrological Institute of Research for the level that you just demonstrated excellence. The Astrological Institute of Research is the school that Alphee started in September 1977.
This very special Horary Certification Course is offered in three levels of education leading to Certification by Alphee. Each Level is $199.00. You have options receiving the Course. You may purchase Level I for $199 and upon completion of the coursework and passing the exam you will be awarded a Diploma of Certification for Level I. To continue onto Level II just make a payment of $199 to continue your studies and proceed to Level II to receive a Diploma of Certification for Level II. You may stop there or proceed on to the finish line with Level III for your final Diploma for Certification of the entire course. The other option is to purchase the entire course, all three levels, at one time price of $597.00.
As an added perk we are also giving you a FREE Software program from Alphee’s Air Software company to compliment your horary work. Air Software is including a Free Horary AstroClock Software Program with the Course so you can read an
instant horary chart any time you want. The AstroClock runs continually in the background on your computer so you can bring it up at any time and are ready to answer a horary question in an instant.
Level I 13 classes 26 hours of videos $199.00
Level II 12 classes 24 hours of videos $199.00
Level III 15 classes 30 hours of videos $199.00
To watch a video on the course double click on this URL
To order the courses please contact Carol at her email at or give a call at: 860-232-6521 or at: 1-800-659-1247.
Thank you and God Bless!
Alphee Lavoie, Certified Astrologer, NCGR Level IV