Parallax and the Solar Eclipse September 11, 2001

Parallax and the Solar Eclipse September 11, 2011
By Alphee

On September 11, 2011 there will be a Solar Eclipse at 18:20:37 in the sign Virgo. If you calculate that eclipse using parallax, the eclipse Sun and moon will be rising 30 miles away from Washington DC as shown in the locality map below.

This eclipse Horoscope chart of September 11, 2007 was calculated for DC using Parallax. In the eclipse chart the planet Mars will be exactly conjunct Mars in the United States chart.

The following chart is calculated for 9/11/01 in New York City when the first plane hit the World Trade Center building.

Occultations were very impressive when the 9/11 disaster occured.
On September 10, 2001 there was an occultation between the Moon and the planet Saturn .

Notice that the occultation path passed thru the United States.

The Epicenter for that occultation was right in Washington, DC as shown below.

On Oct 7, 2001 when we retaliated by bombing Afghanistan, there was an occultation between the moon and the planet Saturn. Notice that the occultation path starts on the western part of United States and ends in the Middle East.
Lo and behold we have another occultation on September 10, 2007 again between the moon and the planet Saturn just like in 2001. But the path is not as impressive as that in 2001. The map below shows the occultation path.

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